Guitar, Bret Williams
M.M. Mannes College of Music, New School University B.M. University of Texas at Austin. Faculty: Concordia Conservatory, Turtle Bay Music School, The School at Columbia University, Lucy Moses, Special Music School at the Kaufmann Center, Rodeph Shalom School. General Music Teacher: South Bronx Early College Academy.

“Whether dealing with classical music or rock, the student must be required to formulate an objective on as regular a basis as possible. I call this Goal Oriented Practice. Rather than telling someone to practice for a given amount of time, a decision must be made by the student, with the aid of the teacher, as to what needs to be accomplished. Making the student create their own goal shifts the responsibility in their direction and brings us closer to the creation of a true artist.
Teaching classical music promotes an awareness that can't be found anywhere else. There is certainly a place for popular art, and it is not in short supply. Exposing children and adults to our music may be their only access to art that is not trying to sell them something. If they go far enough, they will find music that is independent of association and stands on its own merit. When a student is not only exposed to this concept, but puts it into action, the teacher has promoted the ability to think independently.”